New users receiving email to activate their account

When new users register, I have “Require email address verification” checked, but they do not receive an email to activate their accounts. What am I doing wrong? Thank you!

Please try to set up SMTP or link your site with some trusted email provider like Gmail or Sendgrid should resolve this issue. Please let me know if this issue persists

Thanks, yevhen. I still cannot get it to work. I took a screenshot of the location of the email SMTP

info, is this the correct area, or do I configure it somewhere else? Thanks!

Please try setting up a plugin like this one WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – WordPress plugin |
If you set up SMTP or link your site with trusted email services like Gmail and Sengrid this would fix deliverability

@yevhen , thank you so much!!! It worked well. This is working very well with my domain email, this plugin made it easy to set up correctly! That way I was able to test it several times and provide feedback to you and the others! But if I have any issues in the future with the email, I will use Gmail. Thank you again :slight_smile:

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