No way to automatically mark a paid listing as verified/claimed? only admin can do it?

I would assume if a user pays to create their own listing, and I have it setup to automatically approve the paid listing, then why does the listing still show to everyone as claimable, not verified?

if a user pays to create a listing that should be equal to paying to claim it… why would you let some other user then claim it?

furthermore if the “manually approve listings” box is not checked, then why should admin STILL be forced to mark it as verified to stop wrong people from claiming it? this defeats the purpose of not having to manually approve each listing if I still have to go in there and mark them as verified so my clients listings are not claimed by someone else…

this has to get fixed asap.


If you mean the featured status for listings using the Paid Listings extension and the claim feature using Claim Listings, then it is possible if you configure these two extensions correctly: Paid Listings - HivePress Help Center, Claim Listings - HivePress Help Center
If you mean that these features do not work, please provide more details regarding this issue (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster.

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