Option to read messages via WP Admin


I’ve read all the support messages and comments about messages being able to be read via WP Admin. I don’t have that option available - am I not understanding something? Is this how it’s supposed to work?

I’ve disabled all plugins excluding Hive Press core and Hive Press plugins and cleared the cache. No change.
I know that I can access them by logging in as a user in the front end, but it’s definitely not an ideal way to manage them.

If this is the way the current Messages plugin works, can you please provide a snippet that I can add that will notify me / bcc me into the emails that are sent between users and vendors. I don’t want to set it up via my mail host.
Alternatively, is there a 3rd party plugin that will achieve this instead?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, there is no such feature; you can only view messages from the frontend. You can also monitor messages using this documentation: How to block or monitor messages - HivePress Help Center

Thanks, but I read that already which is why I asked if ‘messages’ should still appear as it doesn’t for me. Is it supposed to?

Failing that - could you please advise the snippet so that admin is sent a blind copy (bcc) of the emails as a work around?


Unfortunately, there is no such feature as backend monitoring, so we recommend that you consider the existing one. We can send a snippet to bcc, but please note that this will send you an email every message and will most likely look like spam. Let me know if this works for you.

Hi @andrii

The snippet would be great please

Thank you :blush:


Please use this PHP snippet:

  wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), $email->get_subject(), $email->get_body());

Thanks @andrii

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