Orders Page Error "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms"

My orders page doesn’t work and only shows the following error

Nothing found

Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords.

I am testing out the website and I did some orders and the issue still persists.

I managed to fox this issue by making woocommerce generate pages. This caused a weird issue tho. If you’re on the orders page, the navigation label for Home becomes Orders rather remaining home. And if you pick a specific order say #1234 it would say Order #1234 rather than just saying home.

I am facing same issue, what do you mean "“woocommerce generate pages”,
how did you solve the problem.

Go to woocommerce → status → tools → Create default WooCommerce pages

but be careful about the other issue. It might be better for you to wait and see what the moderators reply with

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

Yes, re-creating WooCommerce pages should resolve this issue, maybe the account page got deleted. You can click the Create Pages button in WooCommerce/Status/Tools.

Regarding the menu label issue, we have this fix on the roadmap but this is not a critical bug, it’s confusing but doesn’t affect the functionality.

Hope this helps.

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