Packages do NOT link to parent category, only subcategories


I have a few small issues with Rentalhive. I have created many categories and subcategories. Let’s call the categories A, B, C. Then inside A I have a1, a2, a3, for B, b1, b2, b3, etc. The following happens:

1.I created a Premium package for listings, following exactly the indications in your tutorials. But I assigned this package only to the main three categories, which are A, B, C.
2. I tested it creating a listing of subcategory a1 ( subcategory of A).
3. After adding a listing in subcategory a1, there is no redirect to the package buying page. The listing is submitted as normal (error)
4. After several tests failed, I decided to assign the Package to all categories and subcategories, so now the package is for A, a1, a2, a3, B, b1, b2, b3, C…etc
5. Created a listing again in subcategory a1. Now it works and I am redirected to the package buying page.

Is this normal behavior? Do I always need to link all subcategories of a category to the package? Or is this a small bug?


Thanks for reporting this, the bug is confirmed and we’ll fix it as soon as possible.

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