Page shows "Nothing found" instead of the select plan options

I’ve just purchased the memberships extension and followed the youtube video to set this up. However, when I go to the listings page (signed in as a general user), the page shows “Nothing Found” rather than the membership plans options.

As additional information, I’ve recently had an issue where the site no longer appeared in my Wordpress dashboard (I accidentally deleted my admin account from within my listings site). Wordpress have reinstated the site in my dashboard, however my additional pages were removed. I suspect this could also be causing the missing membership plans page from appearing?

Sorry for the delay. I’ll post the email reply here in case someone has the same issue.

Please try to refresh permalinks in Settings/Permalinks section (select any non-default structure). Also, you can check if some existing page is selected as the Plans page in HivePress/Settings/Memberships section.

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