Paid listings not allowing user front end submissions

Hi, I have troubleshooted the paid listings plugin with health check and troubleshooting plugin and it is definitely preventing listings from showing up in the backend when a user submits a listing ont he front end -submit listing form
I’ve tested with the listinghive theme, and a default twentytwenty wordpress theme and the hello elementor theme. In my testing, I only had enabled the hivepress plugin and nothing else, no elementor, no woocommerce, nothing. And with just hivepress I am able to add listings from the front end (submit listing form), and they appear in the backend listings. However, when I enable the paid listings plugin, and I’ve even replaced it, and it is in the current version, it does not allow me to see the listing on the backend right after I upload listings using the form in the front end.
Then I went and enabled all of the plugins and deactivated the paid listings plugin and I was still able to see the listing I added on the front end, in the listings list in wordpress admin. The paid listings plugin is out of date…or broken, since I’ve tested it with no other plugins enabled.

I do have listing packages set up that work with woocommerce, so at the moment I’m not sure what I can do to work around it. I have php 8.2.

Steps to reproduce

hivepress enabled with paid listings pugin then without - test adding items from the front end --add listings form

Actual result

my result was that white I can add items from the frontt end, it does not appear in the listings pending to approve on the backend

Expected result

Listings not showing up on backend after a submit listing form submission on the front end

Extra details

Add a link to your site, screenshots or any other details that may help us pinpoint the issue.


Please note that this is only possible if you have enabled the Manually approve new listings feature in HivePress > Settings > Listings. Please check these settings, as Paid Listings does not have the functionality of manual approval of listings; this is a general setting in HivePress.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi Andrii, thanks for the response. So, you’re saying that if I have set up moderation to manually approve listings, I would not be able to use Paid Listings extension at the same time? It’s either use the paid listing extension or moderation but using both will not work together? If I wanted to have the ability to limit listing submission per person/per purchase, then what would be a work around? Or should I just disable “manually approve listings?”

Actually, I went in and unchecked manually approve listings and enabled paid listings, and I’m still having the issue where a person can submit a listing, but the listing does not show up on the backend in wordpress admin


Can you please clarify whether an order is created after you select a package? If so, please try to manually set the order to completed status and check if the listing is displayed on the frontend.

Yes, an order is created and I have set orders to autocomplete through woocommerce. But this is also the case as an admin adds a listing on the front end.


If you mean that the listing is added when you manually set the order status to completed, then there is an issue on the part of the WooCommerce payment method, it may be incorrectly configured, as the order status should automatically change to processing or completed if everything is set up right. We recommend that you check the WooCommerce documentation for more information.

The transaction completes with no problem. There is no issue with woocommerce. Like I may have mentioned before. Even as an administrator, if I add a listing to the front end, with the paid listings plugin activated, the listing does not show up in the backend where I can approve the item. I did set it to manually approve the listing. When I went in and disabled manual approval, and enabled pay listings, the listing did not show up on the backend. It is only by deactivating paid listings, that the listing shows up on the backend under listings.

I do need paid listings or some other way to limit the submission of listings based on the payment amount.


I see. If you have not disabled third-party plugins, please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists.

If you used the auto-complete order plugin, then please try to go through the manual purchase process through WooCommerce checkout, and then manually set the status of this order to completed in WooCommerce > Orders and check if the listing has been published (if possible, please record everything step by step using screen capture so that we can reproduce this issue on our side).

I tried paid listings with only hivepress enabled on several themes, including the default hivepress theme


Let me know if your issue is resolved, as we have checked everything locally in more detail and are not seeing any issues on our end. Also, please note that we have not received any other negative feedback about this feature not working.

I just tried a dev site where I have everything deactivated except for hivepress, paid listings, and woocommercce and it is still not adding tto the listings. But, If I deactivate the paid listings, then I am able to add a listing and it shows up. Can I give you access to the dev site?


Please provide more details so that we can reproduce this issue. That is, please record a screenshot with your actions step by step (creating a listing > selecting a package > filling out the WooCommerce checkout form > actions in WooCommerce Orders where you switch this order to Completed, etc.) Then, we can investigate this issue in more detail.

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