Pay for the package first and then publish your listing

I installed the ListingHive plugin, configured the WooCommerce listing packages and I have a couple of questions.

  1. It said if I added an attribute, like Company or Individual with a radio button that the Vendor would be able to choose their selection in their settings as a Vendor. This didn’t happen?

  2. I am trying to make it so a Vendor can join, pay a fee via a listing package to list and not have to post a listing, instead of having to post a listing first and then buy a listing package. I followed the Vendor Register directions and I think it’s working to join, but it looks like they still have to post a listing before they can buy a listing package? Can I reverse the order somehow and let people JOIN, BUY A LISTING PACKAGE, POST A LISTING LATER OR NEVER or is it always Join, Post a listing, Buy a package? - How to add a vendor registration form - HivePress Help Center

  3. When someone does get to the listing screen, I’m not showing the Woocommerce ordering like in the documentation | videos. So, they are not buying a listing package to post a listing. Is there something that needs to be turned on beyond the product setup in Woo, the Package listing and choosing the Product in Woo, like the videos and documentation shows?

Any help would be much appreciated.



  1. Please make sure you add the attribute correctly using this documentation: How to add vendor profile fields - HivePress Help Center
  2. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to change the order, it will require advanced customization. Currently, the package purchase is displayed after you fill out the Add Listing form and click Submit Listing.
  3. Please provide more details regarding this issue (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, screencast, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster.

Thanks Andril,

I hired one of the Hive Press Experts on your site to assist me with modifying the current process of Sign-Up, Create Listing, Purchase Package, Post, so that we can allow someone to Sign-Up, Purchase Package, Create Listing (Later | Never), Post (They have a package, so they can list). It makes more logical sense, since someone might want to buy a package and come back later and post or they may want additional features beyond just creating a listing that the website is offering, which is in our case.

We’re planning to create a plugin to do this, so that we can turn it off if you have an update and turn it back on later. Thanks again. I will let you know if we run into any problems, but he’s worked with your plugin for three years he said and it’s about 3 to 5 hours of customization to implement this feature.

Update: I was able to get a plugin created to offer this feature on our site.

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