Payment from User to Hoster

I can’t make a payment from the user booking window to a hoster list. I think all is set proper, but I can’t move the booking from Pending to Complete from my Private User area. Only appearing the Send a message icon, not the payment one.


Please make sure you set up payments correctly, you can check this doc How to start accepting payments - HivePress Help Center

THids is beings really weird to complete the initial configurations… last test I have done just for testing the payments (direct bank transfer) was not completed because the User viwe fails when trying to Proceed to payment.

FIrst. Ifaces is that there is not appearing the total amount for the days selected as usuarl on the user view (se attached) and the page breaks when try to proceeed to payment with this mesasage “Something went wrong.”

Please help, or any call connection or something… I am trying to set this temp`late with their basics for more than 20 days, and trying to solve all issues with your support team since then.

This is being really hard to advance with the service like this


Regarding the payments:

  1. Please navigate to WP Dashboard > WooCommerce > Status > Tools > and click Create pages opposite Create default WooCommerce pages.
  2. ​Please edit this listing (either on the front-end or back-end) and re-save it, setting the Price. This should generate a hidden product for a listing.
  3. Please refresh permalinks, you can check this doc How to refresh WordPress permalinks

Please note that we only provide general guidelines on how to set up the payment method; for more detailed information, you need to review the WooCommerce documentation.

I have done this, but not sure is working…I’m going to delete and create again users, lists, and all again. I think I am missing things in the initial configuration…

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