Payout methods do not work with the Ultimate Member plugin

J’ai déja vue ce problème plusieurs fois dans ce forum, cependant le sujet est résolu mais sans voir la solution.

Je suis en pleine construction de mon site, j’ai le problème que la méthode de paiement n’apparait pas quand on veut faire une demande. Pourtant les méthodes sont crées.

Lorsque je désactive le plugin ULTIMATE MEMBER, la méthode apparait.

Pourriez vous m’aider s’il vous plaît…


I have already seen this problem several times in this forum, however the subject is resolved but without seeing the solution.

I am in the middle of building my site, I have the problem that the payment method does not appear when we want to make a request. However the methods are created.

When I deactivate the plugin ULTIMATE MEMBER, the method appears.

Could you please help me…


Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with third-party plugins.

Please try to change the settings of this plugin, it may be that it redirects our account page to its own (you can refer to their docs or support team).
But in any case, you will have two account pages with this plugin.

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