Pick a specific Vendor - widget


Is there any way to choose a specific vendor to display with the vendor widget ?

Actually we can choose between random, register date, name.

Thank you,


Unfortunately, there is no such option, but you can create a vendor category and hide it if there is no point in showing it. Also, if you need more details, please provide a use case (how it should work and why it is needed) and we will try to help.

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It’s for displaying for example the “vendor of the month” on the home page.

The category solutions works fine thank you. I don’t know how to hide it in my case because it’s hidden by default, the category is displayed in the vendor’s page (admin side) but not for the vendor himself.


Please note that there are almost no vendor categories on the frontend, they are displayed only in the vendor profile, in the drop-down during registration, and in the search filter if you have a vendor page.

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Thank you

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