Property listings page is blank

I have uploaded the RentalHive theme. When I click on the Pages tab on the left I get a list of the different pages. When I click on the Properties page, it opens and only shows the title, “Properties”. Unlike the other pages that show me all the stuff on the page and then I can edit it. When I click on the preview button on the properties page though, it shows the correct stuff. I am trying to figure out why only that page is blank.

Steps to reproduce

Click on the pages tab in the editor. Click on the properties and edit. Then it opens blank properties page

Actual result

Expected result

I expect to see a page that has all the pre made designs but I can edit them

Extra details


Please ensure that this page is selected in HivePress > Settings > Listings > Listings Page, it is normal if the page is empty when editing.

If it is empty then how will I be able to select on the things I want to edit? Here is an example of what I see when I edit the homepage. I get to see what makes up the home page and then edit what I want. I should see the same thing for the Listings page as well yes?

Here you can see the listings page has all the blocks, stylings and texts. So shouldn’t I be able to see that when I try to edit it? Thanks for helping on this.

This option just defines which page should be used as the Listings page, the layout itself is rendered by the plugin. It works in the same way as the core WordPress feature for defining the Blog page, if you select the Posts Page in Settings/Reading, this page will be used to display posts, although the page itself is empty in WordPress/Pages.

You can still override the listings page layout, but this requires creating a custom template Overview | HivePress Templates - YouTube

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