Hi… we are building the car dealership website and everything is perfect but we miss the important part of our website structure.
We have attributes for brands, body types , fuel types and other features
And we have a separate page for each attributes and we want to include that particular attributes related posts in each attribute pages.
Example: we have a page for petrol cars. In that page we need to show only petrol car listings.
It’s very important so kindly help with codes or any other options… I am not asking about elementor query filters… this I know already but I want to build with block editor ( Gutenberg)
You can already do this if these attributes are selectable (e.g. Select, Checkboxes or Radio Buttons), there’s an option to make the attribute Public, so every option will have its own page with related listings and a SEO-friendly URL. If you mean building these pages via the editor, it’s not possible yet because there are no attribute filters in the Listings block settings yet, but we plan to add this feature.
This feature is not yet available, but we plan to add it. Now, this will require a custom implementation. Please also check the availability in the Listings block filter. Now, this will require a custom implementation.
As you said, changing the post type ‘listings’ to ‘cars’ using loco translate, will it change the slug name also? Or will it remain same as previous (example.com/listings or example.com/cars ) ?
Is it possible to have a clean url for submit listing page?