Random deletion of listing details

I have a rather restrictive bug. When I add new details (as an admin) in the advertisements for example (air conditioning, wifi, TV, underfloor heating, etc…) they are registered without problem. However, all I have to do is wait a random amount of time for all the items to get deleted for no apparent reason.


Please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users.

​I hope this is helpful to you.


I already tried that but it didn’t work this issue persists.


Please note that we do not have the ability to delete listings. This may be a issue on the part of the hosting provider additionally. But, if your listing gets the draft status, and not just deleted, then most likely you have this feature configured: How to add a listing expiration date - HivePress Help Center

I don’t know if the problems are related, but I also get unlogged randomly when I visit the site (frontend).
I’ve removed all customizations and disabled plugins, and the problem seems to disappear when the Hivepress tag plugin is disabled.

PS. I’ve also contacted the web host and there’s nothing there either.

my url : Bordolidays – Locations de biens


Please try to test this using another hosting provider, or locally using the Local app, you can check this doc: Quick Start - HivePress Help Center

Hi @andrii
Thank you for your answer, I have already tried to install the site locally (with Duplicator), unfortunately I had exactly the same problem. I don’t think it comes from my hosting provider.

Would you like me to send you this local version?(post deleted by author)


Sorry for the inconvenience. But we cannot reproduce the issue on our side. If it is repeated locally, we need more details to recreate it. Please write down in detail step by step how you test it, so that we can debug it further.