Ranking of new services and vendors

How are new services listed in experthive?

When new service is listed, it gets mixed with all the featured ones already posted on the site.

Is there a way for me to control the rank methodology by which new services are listed on the site? For example: by the time posted.

I want my featured ones to be listed first and then non-featured by the time posted. Non-featured cannot be mixed with featured.

What is the methodology to list new vendors?
For some reason new vendors are automatically listed under featured experts. Can I control who gets to be featured?

It should actually work this way by default, please view the Listings page - featured listings should appear at the top (within the number of spots set in HivePress/Settings/Listings), regular listings should appear below. Vendors have no featured status option in the current version, but they have Verified option, you can use it to manually mark trusted or verified profiles.

If you mean the Home page, please edit it and click on the Listings block, then check the “Display featured only” option on the right, then only featured listings will be displayed within this section. You can do the same with the Vendors block and the “Display verified only” option.

Hope this helps.

Thank You for your help. Figured out the “TOP EXPERTS” section and featured vs non-featured listings.

I want featured listings to be ranked by the date posted amongst themselves. Is there a way I can edit that?

At the moment the last posted featured post is placed third out of three featured posts. I want it to appear on top of featured posts since it is the newest.

It should work this way by default, please select the default sorting order in the Listings block settings (if it’s a block on a page). If you check the Listings page then featured listings are always randomized at the top (within the number of spots allowed in HivePress/Settings/Listings/Display).

“Featured listings are always randomized at the top.”
Is there a way to always display them by the date posted as well?

I do not want them randomized.

Unfortunately there’s no easy way to do this, it works this way because the number of spots is fixed, but the number of featured listings can be different depending on the searched category and other criteria, so if there are mo featured listigs than spots listings are randomly dispayed to get equal exposure.

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