Registered User Listing does not show on user account

User listings are not shown in the user account. As a temporary fix, to allow viewing of all listings, I created a new page showing All Listings but this does not solve the issue. I do not have any other plugins active. I disabled WooPayments. No change.


Please provide more details regarding this issue (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, screencast, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Also, please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users.

I’m not sure what more details I can provide? Like I said I am not using any other plugins. You want a step by step of a user creating their account, creating their listing, then not being about to see it on their account? Because that is what is happening.


I see. Three options can cause this issue:

  1. A caching plugin or caching on the part of the hosting provider.

  2. The Manually approve new listings feature is enabled in HivePress > Settings > Listings.

  3. This template has been overwritten in HivePress > Templates, and you have not added a listings block to display.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

I do not have any Templates in HivePress > Templates. What should be there?

To explain further, this is an example Listing I created: Supporting the management of your home & business – Gîte Service Hub

From within ‘My Account’ - Sign In – Gîte Service Hub
I do not see my listing


If you purchased a theme or extension, please enter the license key in the forum profile settings, this will enable the Premium Support badge and ensure a 24-hour turnaround time.

Done. Thanks


Please send temporary WP access to with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin |

Thanks I have sent an email


Please provide more details, did you make any changes directly to the theme files?

No, I have not made any changes to any theme files or codes. As you can see in the screenshots, Listings created by users are not visible in their accounts.

This issue is still not resolved.