Remove "/ day" from the price format


I am trying to build a multi-day tour listing site utilizing HivePress bookings. For this to happen, users should select a specific single date (starting date) for their tours and the price should be $X per person for the entire tour. Unfortunately, listings defaults to $X/per day. The “per day” part dissapears when time-slot booking is allowed. However, I don’t need that. How can I customize the “Price” name? Thank you!


If you want to simply change the wording of “Price” you can follow this doc How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

Hello - thanks for your prompt response! Actually what I wish to achieve is to change the “price / day” to “price/person”… Unfortunately the system defaults to price per day and I for some reason can’s access the Price parameter in the “attributes” section. It seems that the price parameter has been hard-coded and no changes are possible. Please advise.


Thanks for clarifying your issue. Please try using this PHP code snippet Change the price display format for bookable listings #hivepress #listings #bookings · GitHub

Sorry… not quite sure how to do that. So I’ve coppied and pasted the snippet in the snippet plugin. What should I do next? Price still showing as “$ per day”. Still don’t see a price attribute which I can change. Thanks!

Sorry for the confusion. If you added the snippet correctly, please remove the " / day" part on this line:

$fields['price']['display_template'] = '%value% / day';

If the issue remains, you can also use the Loco Translate plugin to change any static texts (even if you don’t need translation), e.g. you can change the “%s / day” string to just “%s” in Loco and it’ll be replaced on the front-end.

Hope this helps.

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