Remove "Post a Request" in Nav


I want to know if there is a new way to remove “Post a Request” from the main navigation?

I saw an old thread mention:
" 1. Please try this CSS snippet to remove the request button:

.hp-menu__item.hp-menu__item--request-submit {
	display: none;

I added this to the style.css but nothing happened. Any tips?

Thank you


We recommend that you do not modify our product files, as all changes will be automatically deleted after the update by us. If you need to add custom code, please check this doc How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hello Andrii,

No worries I removed it when I noticed it didn’t work. Do you have any solutions for me please?

try this :slightly_smiling_face:

.hp-menu--site-header .hp-menu__item--request-submit{
  display: none;

Thank you Rudy!

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