Renew listing at any time

Actually the renewing feature for listing seems to be only available when a listing have expired. How can i add a snippet for making the renewing feature available at any time?

The best would be to allow a fixed number of renewal per day, for exemple i set up the total number of listings allowed per user to 6 with :

	function ( $form ) {
		$form['fields'] = array_merge(
				'first_name' => [
					'required' => true,
					'_order'   => 1,

				'last_name'  => [
					'required' => true,
					'_order'   => 2,

		return $form;

Then i need to extand this in order to allow users to renew theses listings when they want, and optionnaly having a way to limit this to 6 renewal per day


Please check the similiar topic: Send expired listing email 14 days before expiration date - #7 by andrii