Renewals for Paid Listings


Users are not able to renew their paid listings on my website:

Instead, they have to repost from scratch.

Any idea when this bug will be resolved?

I’ve posted about this previously and was told it was about to resolved but still nothing has changed.


Please provide more details regarding this issue (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, screencast, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Also, make sure you have the latest version of the Paid Listings and HivePress extensions.

If you look back to July, y’all already verified this bug existed. Has it been fixed? I’m not detailing the issue again. Just checking in on something that has been supposed to be fixed for over a year.


This issue was fixed in August: Paid Listings 1.1.9 - #3

How do I enable renewals?


There is no toggle feature for this. The renew listing button is displayed automatically after the listing has expired.

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