Replace "Added on xxx" text with listing description

In the listing in homepage, where you have the text “ADDED On XXX” below the listing name, can we change that to show like a short description about the listing?

I added a new attributes and assigned it all areas but still only the attribute that came in default shows but not the new attribute I created


You can hide the date using this CSS snippet Hide the listing publication date #hivepress #listings · GitHub, and display the listing description using this PHP snippet, please check this topic Add description to listings block.
How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi thanks for the reply. Adding the php code did show the listing description but what I want is to show the custom attribute. Like I said, I created a custom attribute called “Description”, how do i show that instead of show the list main description which has a lot in it?

It currently showing this

But I want this


You need to modify the previous snippet I sent you to add a description. Then you will have a custom attribute displayed in the block. Or, as a workaround, you can use the display areas attribute listing and display it in the block, please check this doc How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center

Hi I added the attribute to all display areas but its not showing anywhere on the page. With regards to the snippet, what exactly should I change to show the attribute instead of the main listing description?


Please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users. Also, make sure you have added this attribute to your listing in WP Dashboard > Listings > Edit listings.

Hi I managed to get the attributes showing but it appears to create a separate box below the header hence making it too far down. Is there a way to make it appear where the main description is showing close to the title?

I currently use below script to show the main description but what can I change in script to show attributes?

	function( $blocks, $template ) {
		$listing = $template->get_context('listing');
		if($listing && $listing->get_description()){
			$blocks = hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
					[ 'blocks' => $blocks ],
						'blocks' => [
							'listing_details_primary' => [
								'blocks' => [
									'custom_listing_block_description' => [
										'type'    => 'content',
										'content' => '<p>'.esc_html($listing->get_description()).'</p>',
										'_order'  => 6,
		return $blocks;

OK I did notice that when I set the attribute to Block secondary, it then appears immediately below the title, however it reduced the width to 50%.


When I add below CSS, it then uses full width but I am not sure if this CSS will affect any another part of the theme?

.hp-col-lg-6 {
    flex-basis: auto !important;
    max-width: 100% !important;


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