'Requirement' field is not being displayed in the checkout form

By default, in Expert hive there is a ‘Requirement’ field (Add custom fields to require specific details for the order) in the listing form. It also has the feature of Text, Single Choice, Multiple Choice. Though, after creating the listing, the ‘Requirement’ field is not visible in the listing. Request if someone can guide me on the same.


If this feature is enabled in HivePress > Settings > Orders, then it must be available in the add listing form. If this issue exists, please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, ensure that caching is disabled for logged-in users.

The Requirments field is displayed in Listing Form, but not on Published Listing page. If there is a requirement of the seller for a Listing, them isn’t it suppose to be conveyed to buyer while purchasing the Listing … correct me if my understanding is wrong with respect to enabeling Requirements field in Orders.


Yes, this field should be displayed on the checkout page, but after the update from WooCommerce, it is not displayed. Thanks for reporting this, the bug is confirmed and we’ll fix it as soon as possible.

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