Restrict access to pages through Membership

Hi everyone,

i use paid membership pro plugin to handle my community.
However, i am unable to lock this plugin pages.

I created a page /submit-listing
a sub page /details
applied the lock but it wouldnt work.

I want PMP plugin instead of their paid module to allow access to a wider range of pages. any workaround? i couldnt find a shortcode for “add listing” page :confused:


Please provide more details about which extension or plugin you are using and which page you are trying to restrict, and we will try to help.

P.S. If you purchased a theme or extension, please enter the license key in the forum profile settings, this will enable the Premium Support badge and ensure a 24-hour turnaround time.


I am using paid memberships pro.
lastly, could you take s look at the scrolling error i have, thanks in advance:
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Unfortunately, we are not familiar with this plugin, so we cannot provide more details, I recommend contacting their support or reviewing the documentation. Also, please note that we cannot guarantee full compatibility with third-party plugins, so you may need to do custom integration for some of them. As another solution, I recommend using our extension Memberships - Charge users for viewing listings | HivePress Extensions

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