Hi all. We are developing a little bit the Jobhive. We are now in blocking point, because we would like to dividing users on two groups: private_users and company_users.
In backend in Company I made two categories (profiles):
1.private 2.company
In Jobs I made three categories:
1.job 2.lookingfor 3.practise
When I choose #1-private (when I filling the account) I want to see (when I add listings) only #2-lookingfor
When I choose #2-company I want to see #1-job & #3-practise.
It means, my client is choosing 1 of 2 profiles - priv or comp in first step and he declare which user he will be.
Than he can add only:
A. looking_for_the_job
B. add_job_offer or add_practise_offer (because company doesn’t want to looking for the Jobs)
Now is:
When I choose #1 in comp. I see in JOBS all three categories.
When I choose #2 in comp. I see in JOBS all three as well.
Can we disapear fe. hmmm… it is little bit funny but shows you my pov:
Than show
Category looking_for
Else if
Category add_job and add_practise
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Please replace 1,2,3 with the private category ID(s), 4,5,6 with category IDs you want to allow for private persons and 7,8,9 with category IDs allowed for companies.