Restrict Social Links to specific categories


I’m working on a site in which certain listing categories require different social media links. Its my understanding that the Social Links are essentially just attributes that are more or less hidden from accessing in the Attribute section on the wp-admin area. Is there a quick and easy code snippet to restrict certain social link attribute to specific listing categories?

Thanks in advance!


Unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation. But thanks for your suggestion, we’ll consider adding this feature.

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Hi @andrii is it possibile to make social links only available for verified vendors?

So that only when verified vendors go to Edit Profile the social links are there to fill.

In our website we monetize the Verified option, but we are trying ways to make it more attractive so buyers see more advantage in purchasing that profile type.

For ExpertHive theme that is particular important because the experts see advantage to show more autority and have a better type of profile.

Thank you


This feature is not available in this version, so it will require a custom implementation.

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