Reviews rate affected by profile deletion

Steps to reproduce

Add a review to a vendor’s listing
Delete the profile of the customer

Actual result

Review is delated and it affects the global rating.

Expected result

Review still visible and rating not affected.

Extra details

in fact, even if you add other reviews to increase the score, this only raises it very slightly, since the number of reviews in brackets has not changed. However, the average rating is affected by the deletion of users.

There is therefore a decorrelation between the exact number of reviews that affect the overall rating, and the number of old reviews (which is in brackets and represents the total number of reviews, not counting profile deletions).


In this version, the review is deleted along with the user, but we will consider leaving the review after the user is deleted. As for your issue, try re-saving the reviews or clearing the cache.

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Rewrite reviews add notices to the previous number.

For example, 10 reviews on a profile. 5 profiles deleted > drop in score but still (5) reviews.

Add 5 reviews to make up > total of 15 reviews (instead of 10)

The number in brackets remembers the previous number of notices posted, even with deleted profiles. You therefore need many more reviews to raise the overall average.

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