Same E-Mail while changing something in listing

We have the following problem:
When a listing is activated by a host, this must always be released by the admin so that even moderated fields cannot simply be changed and confirmation emails are sent automatically. These mails are also sent for simple changes (no mandatory fields and no moderated fields) to the listing and the listings must also be approved by the admin for these changes.
If we deactivate the function for publication by the admin, the host neither receives a confirmation e-mail nor are we (admin) informed of a new listing. However, we would like to send a verification link for every new listing. This should only be sent if:

  1. new listings are activated by the host
  2. moderated fields are changed


Please provide more details regarding this issue (e.g., your actions step by step with screenshots, etc.). This will help us to reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Also, please test this on the demo version and let me know if this issue is repeated Themes | HivePress.

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