Search Alerts 1.1.3

  • Fix saving boundary number range filters
    These are now not included in the search alert filters.

Hi, thanks for the update. However, do I understand correctly that number ranges are now simply ignored when setting a Search alert? I’d expect them to still be taken into account, just not when they’ve not been actively set.

Also, I believe unfortunately, the fix is only partial at best. After deploying the update, the following still holds true:

When a number of attributes are optional, and some are mandatory, it seems that when there are multiple listings on the site, out of which some have values for optional attributes and some don’t, and a user searches for listings, then only those listings are shown that have a value for this attribute.

While this may seem normal at first, I believe this poses a problem. Say one attribute is called “Numbers”, and there are values from 3 to 7 in some of the listings in a given category. Other listings in that category don’t have any value for it, since it is an optional attribute. As the user doesn’t have any way to filter for results with a value lower than 3 or higher than 7, they also cannot search for listings which don’t have a value for this attribute.

So when they click on the respective category in the left-hand side search bar and click filter, they are only shown the listings with a value between 3 and 7 in that category, even though they didn’t actively choose that and may in fact be interested in listings which don’t have any value for the attribute.

I believe this is counterintuitive, as the user isn’t aware that they are only seeing a portion of the listings in that category despite them only ever having filtered by category.

This is taken from this post, which I would have thought would have been taken into account in the respective fix.

Did I misunderstand something, or might this be an issue on my site rather than with the fix?

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TL;DR: For example, if the filter is set to a price range of 0 to 1,000,000 and the price field is empty, the listing won’t appear in the search because the field is not filled and doesn’t match the filter.

How can l allow only members who have subscribed to receive SEARCH ALERTS? Currently, on my website, all the users are receiving the Serarch Alerts even the ones with expired memberships. ANY UPDATES IN THIS REGARD… AM SELLING THE MEMBERSHIP and ALERTS ITS ONE OF THE PREMIUM FEATURE,

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, this was the fix for number range attributes only, if they are set to boundary values then the filter is ignored when saving a search alert. If you move at least one of the handles of the slider then the filter should be saved, I tested this before the release and it seemed to be ok, please let me know if the issue persists and if it can be reproduced when both handles are moved or just a single one.

@tlmakiwa This would require a custom implementation unfortunately because the Memberships extension is not integrated with the Search Alerts one, these are completely separate at the moment.

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