Search alerts for future listings


When a user wants to set up a search alert for future listings, and this alert includes attributes in the number range format, then they cannot create an alert for listings which might have a lower or higher value than what is currently the minimum or maximum, respectively.

The reason for this is that when filtering these number values, it isn’t possible to go lower or higher than the min or max value for that attribute of current listings. I hope the screenshot helps in clarifying what I’m trying to say:

If a user set a search alert with this setting, then they wouldn’t be notified of listings where the value for “number of owners” is higher than 5. If they tried to manually set it to e.g. 10, they’d get an error:

Is there some way around this? It would be a pity if a user were limited to only searching within the constraints of existing listings.

Adding to this as it seems related:

When a number of attributes are optional, and some are mandatory, it seems that when there are multiple listings on the site, out of which some have values for optional attributes and some don’t, and a user searches for listings, then only those listings are shown that have a value for this attribute.

While this may seem normal at first, I believe this poses a problem. Say one attribute is called “Numbers”, and there are values from 3 to 7 in some of the listings in a given category. Other listings in that category don’t have any value for it, since it is an optional attribute. As the user doesn’t have any way to filter for results with a value lower than 3 or higher than 7, they also cannot search for listings which don’t have a value for this attribute.

So when they click on the respective category in the left-hand side search bar and click filter, they are only shown the listings with a value between 3 and 7 in that category, even though they didn’t actively choose that and may in fact be interested in listings which don’t have any value for the attribute.

I believe this is counterintuitive, as the user isn’t aware that they are only seeing a portion of the listings in that category despite them only ever having filtered by category.


Thank you for your feedback, we are aware of this bug and will fix it according to the RoadMap HivePress Roadmap (01/03/2024) – Asana.

Glad to hear this is in the making! Is that the item " The number range search filters should be ignored when boundary or equal values are selected" in the roadmap? And might there already be a slightly more specific ETA for this?


Unfortunately, we do not have a specific ETA, but we will try to release it as soon as possible.

I understand. Is there a way to follow the process / be notified once the issue has been fixed?


All updates will be published on our forum in the Release Notes category. Also, if you have a key specified in your settings, you will have access to updates in WP Dashboard > Updates.

Ok, thanks!