Search by region does not work correctly

im using Google for geo location, i following the articles and the other community posts, set both API, including the 2nd unrestricted API for the secret field, also have geolocation enabled.

if just the state is put into the listing address (settings), like Arizona, united states, then when you search by Arizona the listing comes up. But if you put the full address in the listing settings, then it only comes up when you search the city its in and not when you search by the state.
same if you put just Arizona, united states, it wont come up if you search just united states. but if you put just united states, then it will come up for united states

Note: for region pages its working correctly for city, state, county for all listings. And the hivepress plugins are up to date

this have been mentioned in this ticket but wondering when will the fix be in, (since we can’t use Mapbox due to needing the address to be hidden on the front end until a guest books)


If you have Google Maps configured correctly and the regions set up, everything should work. Please review this documentation and make sure that everything is set up correctly and that the regions are generated: How to set up Geolocation - HivePress Help Center, How to set up regions - HivePress Help Center
Also, please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, make sure that caching is disabled for logged-in users.

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