Search engine with 2 types of categories

Hello, my website is quite advanced, I tell you that I have 2 types of categories, one by theme and another by location. At the beginning it appears to add keyword - category and search, if I put any it takes me to the indicated category but in that window another search engine appears, keywords - category (by topic) - category (by location) and search, I would like to have this same search engine on my home page, will it be possible?
Thanks a lot

Yes, please try using Geolocation extension for this purpose, if you set it up and enable Regions in its settings there will be 3 fields in the search form:

  • Keywords
  • Location
  • Category

And each region (e.g. city, state, country) will be generated similarly to how categories work, in Listings/Regions section. Users will be able to search listings by the exact address or region this way.

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