Search function in the website / home page

Dear Community,

I’ve been using HivePress for two days now and I’m thrilled.

There is one thing though that worries me a bit:

  • the search function on the home page includes “keywords” and “categories”.

Unfortunately you can’t include/select keywords in the listings.
And this confuses me. Which keywords are meant here? About in the blogposts? I don’t run a blog - only listings.

I just want the search function to also “look up” e.g. the listing title and also the description to the listing. So that appropriate search results can then be displayed correctly or better said accurately. Until now this is unfortunately not always so - or not at all.

and, 2:
if something is not found, is displayed with me directly the page with all my listings or categories. Is it not possible to simply show a message that nothing suitable was found?

Maybe I’m overlooking a certain setting. But I hope for your support.

Thanks a lot!


If you search using keywords, you can search by titles and listing descriptions, as well as by vendor name and category. You can change the keywords using Loco Translate How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

Hi andrii, Thank you for your reply.

I do not want to translate anything. So I don’t understand how I could use LocoTranslate to change the search function. I don’t want to change words but adjust the search setting of the search mask on the home page - instead of targeting keywords + categories (like now), I want to target title and description in the listings.

How can this be done?


As I told you above, this feature already exists, namely, search by Keywords, where you can search by both titles and descriptions. If you need a separate function, it will require a custom implementation. If customizations are required for your site, please try customizing it using the collection of code snippets Search · user:hivepress · GitHub and other developer resources, or consider hiring someone for custom work

Dear andrii,

I understand you and had already understood you in your first answer. My problem was that I had this box checked: on the search results page just then categories were always displayed! That was my “mistake” (you should know - it does not say anywhere).

Search by Keywords

This function must not be activated, because then the whole search mechanism does not work as it should/as you always answered.

anyway problem found and solved!!!



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