I’m importing the listings attributes with a plugin. The Text type ones work fine by adding hp_ in front of the name when importing them, but the Select and Time ones don’t. For the Select ones I’m adding hp_listing_ in front of the name, and for the Time ones only hp_.
I can see that they exist in the table ‘wptp_posts’, but they aren’t filled/added in the Edit view of the listings. Why can that be? Do the values need to be a specific format?
Yes, please note that non-selectable attributes are stored not as post meta, but as taxonomy terms. If the attribute has already been created, it all depends on which import plugin you are using, so we recommend that you check if there is an option to map the imported value to taxonomy terms. The taxonomy in attributes is hp_listings_attributenamehere.
I have tried hp_listings_age_group, hp_listing_age_group and hp_age_group to import it, but neither of them worked. I also tried having and not having options configured in Wordpress (i.e. 0-6 months, 6-12 months, etc…).
I’ve tried separating the values in age_group in the CSV with | or || instead of commas, and with changing the commas that separate the different fields with ;. None worked.
We recommend that you contact their support, as we cannot check their documentation due to a critical error on the site: https://plugins.vjinfotech.com/wordpress-import-export/?s=taxonomy&ht-kb-search=1&lang=
Listing is a hp_listing post type and when importing it, you need to assign hp_listing_attributenamehere, and if it is not a selectable gender, then assign post meta hp_attributenamehere, so the attributes are saved.