Seller and buyer chart split up based on logged users

Hi team,

Based on the seller and the buyer, the below chart should appear on the website. The revenue chart should be visible to the seller and the order chart should be visible to the buyer.

Thanks, we’ll consider adding a dashboard for buyers. Currently buyers have their own Orders page if they placed at least 1 order so they can check the amount, but the balance and monthly revenue are vendor-specific features.

I am asking how to do that. The revenue chart should be visible to the seller and the order chart should be visible to the buyer. This is the thing I want to fix. kindly provide the solution.

Sorry, this is not a bug fix but a feature suggestion because we never advertised this functionality in TaskHive (both on the landing page and demo), it was never available for buyers in TaskHive (the dashboard page is specific to sellers, it shows their balance and monthly sales revenue, while regular buyers can check their orders on the Orders page). Adding this feature for buyers would require a custom implementation.

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