Selling physical products with Marketplace extension

Hello, I know it is not possible to sell physical products with the Marketplace extension since it generates virtual-linked products for listings. So I was thinking of using the “Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce” to add shipping fields to the checkout.

If someone can just let me know if adding shipping fields to the check-out is possible with the “checkout field editor,” I don’t need shipping rates, a cart, or any other features. Since I will tell vendors to include shipping in the final price.

Will this work, or will there be other problems? Thank you for taking the time to help me.

i think its limited if you are using listing cpt,
try to use hivepress marketplace with woocommerce directly,
it should work, and idont know why hivepress marketplace
submission only support in listing cpt not wc product directly,
there is bunch advantages if hivepress marketplace
submission support directly to create woocommerce product…
it will be killer for other vendor marketplace plugin …
maybe in future idont know…

Hello tharlab, I’m not really sure what you mean by listing cpt. I thought Hivepress used the marketplace with WooCommerce already. I see the cart actually works, and when I add a product through the HivePress Marketplace, I can see it in my WooCommerce cart. I just wanted to know if I can add extra fields in the Hivepress Checkout with the “Checkout Field Editor Plugin for WooCommerce,” Such as shipping address field so that the vender can get this info.

just dont use blockcheckout…

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I notice that if I force shipping on Woocommerce settings, now the checkout says billing and shipping address, which at least now the buyer knows to put down the shipping address! its not a perfect solution because now billing and shipping addresses must be the same, but at least I can get the shipping address from buyers! Also, the cart does work; I added a link to the Woocommerce cart on my header menu, and when someone adds a listing to checkout, it appears in the cart. For now, I think this is good. I tell all my vendors to include shipping in their final price, so there is no need for shipping rates.

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