Send expired listing email 14 days before expiration date


As I understand the email that a listing is expired is send on the same date the listing acutualy expires. The listing status is set to draft.

Is it possible to send the expired listing email 14 days before the listing expires?
If yes:

  1. is is also possible to renew the listing before it is expired?
  2. Could you provide a PHP snippet for sending the email 14 days before the listing expires.

If not do you have any suggestions for a workaround.

Txs in advance!



Yes, it is possible, but it will require a custom implementation. There is no simple PHP snippet for this, but if you have a developer or are familiar with coding, you can provide general guidance.

Hello Andri,

Is this only possible for sending the email or can we also renew a listing before it expires?
It looks like the sending of the email and changing the status to draft is connected.
Is that correct?


Please note that an expired listing is a draft status + expired date; i.e., renewing a listing before it expires is simply publishing a listing with an expiration date extended in advance. But this can only be continued by the administrator, since the front-end vendor has a renew button only after the draft status and data expiration.


I understand that the expired listing gets a draft status after the expiration date. The way I see it two things happen when a listing expires:

  1. the status of the listing changes to draft
  2. an email is send to let the user know he/she should a renew the listing

If I understand correctly it is possible to send the email 14 days before a listing expires. I assume the status of the listing is still published then. Is that correct?


Yes, it is possible to send such an email, but it will require advanced customization.


That’s the part I did understand. What I don’t understand is if I would sent the email 14 days in advance is also would be possible to renew during that 14 days. Or is this only possible from the expiration date.

For instance. The expiration date is 20 september. I send the email on the 6th of september. Can I renew the listing on for example the 15th of september or do I have to wait until the 20th of september (and later ofcourse)


Unfortunately, no, as this feature will not be available 14 days before the expiration date.

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