One of the expert types shown is “handyman”, which, I assume, means someone that would come to a location to do work. How is the physical address communicated to the vendor? how does a vendor know that the work is within his area? is there somewhere a user can add a physical address?
If you imported the theme demo content then “Handyman” is just a demo category, there are no niche restrictions in this theme - you can add/remove categories in Listings/Categories section.
If you use Geolocation then each listing has its own location, vendors set it for their listings when listing services, and customers can search services by location (you can allow them to adjust the search radius in HivePress/Settings/Geolocation).
Hope this helps
For my use case, I am envisioning that vendors search for requests based on the vendor’s geographical location and request work from the results. If the requests do not have geolocation the vendors would not have a way to know where the requested work location is. Here’s my example.
a user posts a request for having trash removed at one of the properties that he owns.
a vendor who’s expertise is trash removal gets the notification of the request having been posted. the vendor reviews the request, but cannot identify where the work is to be performed. If the listing had geolocation built into it, the vendor could filter on requests that are in his geographical location, that the vendor sets in his profile along with a radius within which he prefers to confine his work to.
I am not seeing an easy way to get this to work… right now I’m just setting up text fields in the request form for ‘city’, ‘state’, and ‘zip code’. which will allow the vendor to do a search for requests that match those fields… but it would be nice if a vendor could pick a city and a radius to view work requests in that geographical area.
I just saw the answer on another thread where you can add ‘requests’ to geolocation in the settings…
Hivepress >> Settings >> Geolocation (tab) >> Content Types | there are 3 options available, vendors, listings and requests.
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