Set Default Booking Date

i created this snippet that sets a default date in booking make form on listing view page.

	function( $form ) {

		return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(
				'fields' => [
					'_dates' => [
                        'value' => '2023-11-21',

The text in the calendar input is correctly set but the values of the available times are not updated an i still get “No results found”.

How can I trigger a ajax call so it will load the time for the programmaticly selected date?

Thank you so much in advance.

Thank you for waiting. Unfortunately, there’s no simple code snippet for this. It would require a custom implementation. It is necessary to add a date to the date field with the JS code snippet too.

It is possible to get the date field in the booking make form this way.

$(document).find('.hp-form--booking-make ' + hivepress.getSelector('date')).each(function () {
    var field = $(this);

    if (field.get(0).hasOwnProperty('_flatpickr')) {
		var dateFlatpickr = field.get(0)._flatpickr;

Then it is possible to add a date with the setDate method The flatpickr Instance - flatpickr

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Hi yevhen,
thank you so so much you helped me a lot!

I created the full script, I share it here if someone else will need it.

	function( $form ) {

		return $form;

function setCustomDate(){
	echo ('	<script src=""></script>');

	$(document).ready(function() {
		$(document).find('.hp-form--booking-make ' + hivepress.getSelector('date')).each(function () {
			var field = $(this);

			setTimeout(function() {
				if (field.get(0).hasOwnProperty('_flatpickr')) {
					var dateFlatpickr = field.get(0)._flatpickr;

					// Create a Date object using the provided date string
					var setDate = new Date("2023-11-29");

					// Set the date using the created Date object
					dateFlatpickr.setDate(setDate, true);
			}, 100); // You might need to adjust the delay based on your application

Thank you again!

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