Thank you for waiting. Unfortunately, there’s no simple code snippet for this. It would require a custom implementation. It is necessary to add a date to the date field with the JS code snippet too.
It is possible to get the date field in the booking make form this way.
$(document).find('.hp-form--booking-make ' + hivepress.getSelector('date')).each(function () {
var field = $(this);
if (field.get(0).hasOwnProperty('_flatpickr')) {
var dateFlatpickr = field.get(0)._flatpickr;
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Hi yevhen,
thank you so so much you helped me a lot!
I created the full script, I share it here if someone else will need it.
function( $form ) {
return $form;
function setCustomDate(){
echo (' <script src=""></script>');
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).find('.hp-form--booking-make ' + hivepress.getSelector('date')).each(function () {
var field = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
if (field.get(0).hasOwnProperty('_flatpickr')) {
var dateFlatpickr = field.get(0)._flatpickr;
// Create a Date object using the provided date string
var setDate = new Date("2023-11-29");
// Set the date using the created Date object
dateFlatpickr.setDate(setDate, true);
}, 100); // You might need to adjust the delay based on your application