Simplify membership when for free single plan

Hi! My goal with this extension is to force the user to register on my site when trying to contact the vendor. I even want social links to be considered in this feature.

I only have one membership plan and it is free, I would like that when clicking on reveal attribute, the user would be directed directly to the registration page. Without the need to go through the steps “view plans” and “select plan”, as they make the process bureaucratic, confusing for the user and unnecessary in this case.

Can you please implement this feature or provide me with a code snippet?

Sorry, there’s no easy way to skip this page with Memberships, selecting a membership is required in any case. If you just want to force users to register to send a message it should already work this way, by default only logged in users can send messages.

In the current form of membership, having only 1 plan and it being free, after clicking on reveal attribute, the new user goes through 5 screens and cannot reach the objective in a simple way:

1º step: Notification screen to view plans;
2º step: Select plan screen;
3º step: Login screen (does not apply, it is a new user);
4º step: Register Screen;
5º step: Account profile screen

And worse, he left the vendor page or ad he was on (instead of being redirected). That user will have the job of searching for the desired vendor or ad again, so that he finally reaches the objective, viewing the attribute data.

I want to force the user to register when he clicks on reveal attributes or on social links, is it possible to do this without using the membership extension? I want this process to be similar to what already happens in the messages extension (it opens a pop-up for registration or login, and keeps the user on the same page, with data revealed and links unblocked).

If it is not possible to do this without membership, a suggestion would be for the system to automatically select the membership plan, when it is unique and free for all users, or else to unify the view plan screens and select plan to reduce the steps, and mainly use a pop-up during the entire process to keep the user on the same screen or at least redirect him to the vendor page or ad he was on.

Thanks for the detailed feedback, we’ll try to improve the UX of Memberships if there’s a single plan, currently there’s no easy way to customize this. If the only requirement is users registering you can also try this snippet instead, it redirects all the listing pages Hide the listing pages from non-registered users (redirect to login form) #hivepress #listings · GitHub but hiding only specific attributes and allowing searching listings may motivate users better so Memberships may be a better choice, even with a few steps to subscribe.

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