Social login redirect show 400 error

can’t make gmail work need assistance


Please check the solutions in this topic Social Login for Google Does Not Work Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch - #9 by insecurecross

​I hope this is helpful to you.

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yes, where do i place the license key?

i tried everything - nothing works


Please copy the redirect URL in HivePress/Settings/Users/Registration, and add it as an allowed redirect URL in the Google app settings you created then this issue should be resolved. The redirect URL is required for OAuth apps so they know which URL should accept the details of the user after they give consent to share them via the social platform.

Request details: redirect_uri=נותני שירות בישראל - שירתיל

not working


I see. Please enable Social Login on your site with these settings, as it is not currently displayed and we cannot test it.

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