Sort by date in the general accounts page

Hello I have two small concerns:
1- in the general accounts page: I would like to be able to sort by date, because each month I need to export the new subscribers, but I don’t see any sorting by date in the accounts list

2-in the host page : I need to add a column “mail” there are columns I don’t need “balance” … but the mail column I need is not there… I tried to add the attribute host : mail, but it is not in the host list from my admin dashboard


  1. This is not a HivePress-specific setting, but a WP-specific setting, please check this tutorial Add a Sortable User Registration Date Column in WordPress

  2. Unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation.

Hello Andri, just as you provided me with a code to add the “date” column in the accounts page (and it works thank you) is it possible to add the name of the host (vendor) in the booking page, it will save me from doing a search by the title of the ad and find the host which is very long, Thank you


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not exist un code like this one : (to add host a the booking page) ???
Ajouter une colonne de date d’enregistrement d’utilisateur triable dans WordPress (

Unfurtunately there’s no simple code snippet for this, this requires customizations in the booking page template.

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