Stripe connect refunds (if any users can share their experience too that would be great!)

Can you explain how refunds work in stripe connect.

In both cases before payment is sent to vendor and after?

For example once vendor is paid if we trigger a refund, will the payment be refunded from the admin bank and vendors bank account.

Theres not much clear guidance on how refunds work, and we need to know this when you need to writing your terms & conditions and deciding our refund policy.

I’m sure there are enough stripe connect users now that will have enough experience to understand the different scenario’s that may come up regarding refunds and how stripe deals with them. Please can someone explain.

I have been trying to test this myself and it said refund has been successful done but this is not the case as buyer is still not refunded. This test has been carried out two weeks ago. Additionally transactions take too long to get paid out by stripe which can be really frustrating


I recommend that you review this information in more detail in Stripe’s documentation, as we are not familiar with it. But note that refunds cannot be made after the vendor has received the funds. If the order has received the processing status, then it is possible to either change the status to completed or refunded.

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Thank you for the info andrii

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