Support for combined category/location pages with SEO-friendly URLs?

Hi everyone,

Just getting started and building my first directory.

I noticed that when I setup my country, state and cities inside the Regions menu, the city page URLs look good from an SEO standpoint (ex listing-region/new-york) but when I combine it with a category and filter by listing categories, then the URLs are totally SEO unfriendly (ex: /?_sort=&s=&post_type=hp_listing&latitude=&longitude=&_region=place.20768782&_category=35&location=New York).

Is there a way to make these URLS more SEO friendly? Does the SEO addon available for sale helps with this?



This version does not have this feature, but we plan to add it. As a workaround, you can create a page in WP Pages by adding a listings block and using this PHP snippet Add region filter to the Listings block settings #hivepress #geolocation · GitHub to add a category and region. Also, you can add a view all button for example.

​I hope this is helpful to you