Take requests from different clients


I know that Hivepress has a “requests” extension.
I want to take requests from clients or register requests I take from clients about my property rental/sell/buy website. I’d like to take notes about their address, phone number, and their budget and also if they’re looking to sell or to buy.

My question here is: Can the “requests” extension do that? Also, 3 agents are working with the site and I want them can take requests, and see each other’s requests but not delete them, like a CRM, but simple.

If I could take a 1-day trial of requests extension it would be the best option.


Generally, yes. You can add custom fields to requests and users will have to fill them out (like address/budget, etc.).

All the requests can be public and only the user who posted it or a website admin can delete them.

Since Requests is a downloadable product, there’s no trial period for this. But we have 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can return it if it doesn’t fit your needs.

Hi Serhii,

Okay then, I will try it right now.

Thank you!

Hi again,

It looks like the request plugin does the job but I want to delete/disable the Image field and Description field (which were there by default and I’m not seeing an option to remove them), I only want to display my custom attributes.

Also, I don’t want to take the requests directly from the clients, I want the agents to add them for their clients, so I want to hide the “Post a Request” button on the header of my page, can we do that?

Thanks again,


Please use these PHP and CSS snippets (How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center):

  1. Hide the images field in the request form #hivepress #requests · GitHub

  2. Hide the description field in the request form:

	function( $form ) {
		unset( $form['fields']['description'] );
		return $form;

	function( $model ) {
		$model['fields']['description']['required'] = false;

		return $model;
  1. Hide the Post a Request button #hivepress #requests · GitHub

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