Target custom listings page


after setting a specific page in hivepress-settings as listings page ( how can i target only this page?

I want to add some text above listings overview it but i can’t find a way to target only this.

For categories i’m using this to set different text for each category link:

	function() {
		if ( is_tax( 'hp_listing_xy','categoryZ' ) ) {
				function( $template ) {
					return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees(

I tried the same but with

if ( is_page( 'listingspagename') ) {

but didn’t work.

If i leave the if statement completely empty it overrides the text for all categories…

Please try this hook to customize listings page hivepress/v1/templates/listings_view_page
Here are more details about the hook Filter: hivepress/v1/templates/{template_name} | HivePress Hook Reference

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