Tax not calculating on service fee - users

Hi Team

The tax isn’t calculating on the service fee. I’ve read a number of posts and WooCommerce articles on creating taxes, and none of them work.

I’m charging the user 10% service fee, no charges to the vendor.
I’ve tried using a global fee instead of a Country specific fee and that didn’t work either.

Example of charges:
Offer accepted: $300
Service fee 10%: $30
Tax: $33
Final payment should be $363.00 but the cart shows $360. It’s missing the tax from the Service Fee. (Please see image)

WooCommerce can’t help as it’s a 3rd party plugin.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Yeah that’s a big bug, not able to sell with service fee like this

Thanks for reporting this, I added this to the bug tracker but there’s already a feature request to make this an option (for website owners who want to exclude commissions from taxes), we’ll most likely add an option for this in the next update.

Thanks @ihor and @Jave
ihor, is there a workaround please or the next update is due soon?

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, this fix will be included with the next Marketplace update. I’ll also check if there’s a temporary code snippet we can share.

Thanks @ihor that would be awesome if you could check please :slight_smile:

As a temporary workaround one can also use this plugin in the meanwhile: Extra Fees Plugin for WooCommerce – WordPress-Plugin | Deutsch

Working well and calculating the tax with the fees

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