The feature of paying for viewing listing and publishing it

Is that possible to have pay per click to listing?, for example if someone click the listing, the listing owner will be charged.


Unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation. You need to fill in all the data in the checkout form.

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I’m currently using Hive Listing (free version) on localhost, to explore the possibilities first. What I want to achieve is a little different from the pay per click concept in general. Most Pay Per Click is applied to advertisements in the form of images or banners or other things placed on our website. And there is also a system where users have to pay if they want to add listings. In my concept, members are free to add listings, but will be charged when a visitor views or clicks on the listing. This is almost similar to pay per click ad, what is different is not the ad that is monetized but the listing and visitors will still be able to view the listing without any restrictions but the listing owner will be charged a fee. As you explained earlier, this requires applying adjustments, meaning this is possible. Does Hive also provide customization? Or maybe will consider adding this feature in the future. Thank You.


I see. To achieve these results, I recommend using these extensions: Memberships - Charge users for viewing listings | HivePress Extensions, HivePress Paid Listings – WordPress plugin | They have the functionality you described.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thank you, one more questions
Membership extensions is a paid extensions, while I still developing the site on local (don’t have a domain/hosting yet), can it work on localhost?


Yes, all paid extensions can work locally.

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