The Featured Date is the Same as the Expiration Date of the Listing

Describe the issue in as much detail as possible. Please remove the sections below if the issue is obvious enough and doesn’t require extra details.
Problem 1: The Featured Date is the Same as the Expiration Date of the Listing

Problem Description: When I set a listing as featured, the featured date is the same as the expiration date of the listing, even though all configurations seem to be correct.

Additional Details:

I am using HivePress with WooCommerce to manage listings.
The settings for the featured duration are configured to 30 days, and the listing expiration duration is 90 days.
*The meta key hp_featured_time is identical to hp_expired_time for featured listings.

Steps Already Taken to Resolve the Issue:

Verification and configuration of settings in HivePress and WooCommerce.
Clearing cache and deactivating/reactivating plugins and the theme.
Analysis of metadata in the database (meta keys and meta values).

Question: How can I resolve this issue so that the featured date is distinct from the expiration date of the listing?

Problem 2: Resetting the Featured Package for Already Published Listings

Problem Description: When I feature an already published listing, the featured package does not reset.

Additional Details:

Published listings should be able to be featured again with a new package.
Package settings in HivePress are configured to allow this.

Steps Already Taken to Resolve the Issue:

  1. Verification of package settings and listing parameters in HivePress.
  2. Analysis of PHP code to check updates of packages and listing statuses.

Question: How can I properly configure HivePress so that already published listings can be featured with a new package and that this package resets each time?

Steps to reproduce

List the steps to reproduce the issue.

Actual result

Describe the actual result.

Expected result

Describe the expected result.

Extra details

Add a link to your site, screenshots or any other details that may help us pinpoint the issue.

Hi! Using, and creating correctly a featured package:

  1. Create a Woocommerce virtual product, set name, price, etc. and hide that product (woocommerce>products>catalog visibility>hidden), because if your users can buy directly from your shop, it will not working, the user cannot activate on a listing later. Only if you hide it, and the user click on the button “star” (make featured) and after buy the package, will works.
  2. Create a HivePress “Featuring” package, select the woocommerce product what you previously created, set limit to 1, don’t set expiration date, select Featuring option checkbox, and select categories on the right side. Publish/save.
  3. Go to HivePress setings, and scroll down to the Featuring section. Select the Woocommerce Featuring product, set the featuring status expiration date in days, and save. You are done!
    To offer featuring status in other packages, you can only do, if you select the “make featured” checkbox, in the Listings>Packages>Yourpackagename. Here, you can only set the featured status, and not the duration. The featured status for this packages will be applied for the whole time while the listng not expired.
    Possible errors, if you encountered any package/expiration problems:
  • you previously created a package, connected to a category, and you changed the category name/position (parent or child)
  • you bought a package, but after you deleted that, or changed any of that settings.
  • any category changes will break the package system (renaming/changing parent-child statuses)
    Fixing errors:
  • temporaly uncheck any category connected to the packages, save, and re-select.
  • if you have a changed, or deleted package in your test profile, you need to find it in your database, and delete that package from the user, because you still can use a non-existend package, while it comment_karma value is more than 0.
  • update listings manually, dont change any, just go to listing edit, scroll down, and update/save.

Hi Fabricator !

I wanted to thank you for your help and quick response . Thanks to your explanations, I now understand how it works. I had been searching for a solution for four days and was so frustrated. You have helped me a lot.:pray:


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