The screen jumps when the category is selected in the search filters

Describe the issue in as much detail as possible. Please remove the sections below if the issue is obvious enough and doesn’t require extra details.

Hello, I’m encountering an issue while selecting a category from the filter menu. When scrolling within the filter section and choosing a category beyond a certain point, the screen abruptly shifts downward to a blank area. This problem occurs on both mobile and desktop platforms.

Steps to reproduce

  • Click on “Afines” and choose the subcategory “Grúas” from the filter section. It happens with other Categories / Subcategories.

Actual result

Screen jumping to a blank area

Expected result

Ensure uninterrupted user navigation to prevent confusion caused by the misleading blank screen.

Extra details

Gecipa – All the plugins except for HP have been disabled and there aren’t custom css/js code added.

I came across a related topic detailing the same bug; however, it appears to be closed without a solution provided. When selecting an item in filter that is collapsed by scrolling, the screen display position jumps down

Sorry for the delay.

I checked your site and couldn’t reproduce the issue, please let me know if there are any specific steps - should I scroll to some part of the page and then click on the category radio buttons in the search filters?

The bug has been confirmed at If checkbox field has many options, page jumps down on check