Time slots now showing in bookings

A couple of issues:

  1. I want users to be able to enable or disable bookings on listings. They should not be forced to set up bookings. If I leave the fields blank and try to add or edit a listing, it forces/requires me to complete the time fields, etc. How do I get around this? $40 for this extension and I can’t make it optional?

  2. Like others, my time slots are not showing up. I have gone through other topics and see that you must have the “Booking Available From,” “Booking Available To,” and “Booking Slot Duration” filled out for it to work. I have set these from 9am to 5pm and 15 minutes, or 60, or whatever. Still not showing up. What gives?


Regarding #2, I realize now that it won’t show times for today. You must select a future date to see the times. That’s not convenient at all. What if I want to book today? Am I not allowed to? It should show times for the remainder of the day.

Regarding #1, as a workaround I had to make a duplicate listing category that includes bookings. That’s pretty annoying, but I guess it will do.


  1. Unfortunately, this is not possible, it will require detailed customization.

  2. Regarding time slots, please check this doc How to enable time-based bookings - HivePress Help Center. Please note that for correct display, you must also have the Booking Slot Duration field filled in.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Thanks. So no possibility for loading timeslots if today is chosen as a date?


No, it should work by default so that you can choose any available date. Please check if you have any restrictions set up How to add booking restrictions - HivePress Help Center

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